Cancellation & Return Policy

Cancellation & Return Policy

Sujata Consumer Refund Policy

Replacement, Returns, and Refunds:

If the product delivered is defective, damaged, or not what was ordered, customers have the right to request a replacement, return, or refund within 5 days of receiving the product. Upon receiving a request from the customer, Sujata Consumer offers the following options:

  • Return the product and refund the amount paid.
  • Replace the product with the same item.
  • If the customer opts for a replacement, it’s important to note that Sujata Consumer will only replace the product with an identical item (same quantity, same value). Substituting the product with a different item, even if it is of the same value, is not permitted.

To qualify for a refund, replacement, or return, the product must be in a resalable condition: unused, in the same condition as received, and in the original packaging. All accessories, labels, invoices, free gifts, or bonus items must be included. The product should not be used, altered, or damaged by the customer.


Procedure for Return/Replacement:

To initiate a return or replacement, customers must contact Sujata Consumer’s customer care by sending an email to Customers are required to provide supporting documents with their request, which must be made within 5 days from the receipt of the product.

Returned products will be inspected for defects before proceeding with a refund. The company may conduct further investigations depending on the nature of the product issue. Once the quality inspection is complete, the replacement product will be dispatched to the customer, expected to arrive within 21 working days from the request date.


Return Policy:

Customers may return delivered products for any of the following reasons:

  • Defective product
  • Damaged product
  • Erroneous product
  • Wrong Product
  • Missing Item
  • Expired/Spoilt/Used
  • Sujata Consumer’s return policy is designed to accommodate the customers’ needs, ensuring satisfaction beyond statutory rights. In cases where the return policy conflicts with statutory rights, the latter will prevail.


Refund Process:

A refund is initiated once the returned product passes the company’s inspection, confirming the customer’s grievance is valid and there’s no misconduct involved. Refunds are processed by Sujata Consumer and credited back to the original payment source within 10 working days. For Cash on Delivery transactions, customers will be asked to provide bank or UPI details via email for the refund transfer.


Cancellation of Order:

Orders can be cancelled before they are processed, typically within 30 minutes after placement. Customers can cancel their orders by contacting customer care via email at  by logging into their account on the Sujata Consumer website and cancelling directly. Orders cannot be cancelled once they have been processed and dispatched.

Refunds for cancelled pre-paid orders are processed back to the original payment method within 14 working days from the cancellation date.



For any questions related to returns, replacements, or refunds, please contact Sujata Consumer customer care at available Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 9 pm.

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